Prayer for holy stability

To the Holy Source Now I pray. That all that I have believed Was just a lie. I will be frightened and shaken. Everything will crumble. And the system that I had As the system begins to shift My mind will shake and fidget My heart will shake and make noise But I pray to my greater self I know that within me there is an unchanging stability I know that there is On the surface my heart And even when I am shaken And in the midst of it all I remain steady I know that the divine me I know that it is within My inner realm of stability. Let the light shine from within And support me. That I, on the surface With inner stability. May I be To the inner stability, To my inner stability and balance. Teach me harmony. Teach me to trust. I turn to my inner self And today I choose to wake up. To the inner power that sustains me To the power within I give you my deepest gratitude.


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